What Deferred Revenue Is in Accounting, and Why It’s a Liability

If we have earned revenue, but a client has not yet compensated their bill, then we report our earned revenue in the accounts receivable journal, which is an asset. On the other hand, if we have received cash from a client but have not yet earned it, we take unearned revenue in the deferred revenue journal, which is a liability. The noncurrent portion of deferred revenue amount as of balance https://simple-accounting.org/ sheet date. Deferred revenue is a liability related to a revenue producing activity for which revenue has not yet been recognized, and is not expected to be recognized in the next twelve months. Generally, an entity records deferred revenue when it receives consideration from a customer before achieving certain criteria that must be met for revenue to be recognized in conformity with GAAP.

  • Although it’s a liability, having a deferred revenue balance on your books isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
  • By the end of the fiscal year, the entire deferred revenue balance of $1,200 has been gradually booked as revenue on the income statement at the rate of $100 per month.
  • And, you will not be able to properly calculate your SaaS gross margin and recurring gross margin.
  • When accountants talk about “revenue recognition,” they’re talking about when and how deferred revenue gets turned into earned revenue.
  • Noncurrent liabilities, also called long-term liabilities or long-term debts, are long-term financial obligations listed on a company’s balance sheet.

How are you handling deferred revenue, subscription revenue recognition, and your SaaS accounting? The accountant will debit deferred revenue for $1,000 and credit subscription revenue for $1,000. This reduces your deferred revenue liability from $12,000 to $11,000, and your income statement now shows $1,000 of subscription revenue. Often, your SaaS accounting is outsourced to a bookkeeper or accountant who is not familiar with the SaaS business model. Your accountant compiles your financial statements but does the accounting on a cash basis or quasi-cash basis.

Whether your accountant is recording subscription correctly or not, as a SaaS founder or leader, you must understand the concept of SaaS revenue recognition and deferred revenue. If you do not know your revenue recognition policies, ask your accounting team today. The values listed on the balance sheet are the outstanding amounts of each account at a specific point in time — i.e. a “snapshot” of a company’s financial health, reported on a quarterly or annual basis. Note that a company’s balance sheet will NOT list each and every non-current liability it has individually. For example, if a business pays out a performance bonus annually and one of their employees has been smashing goals every month, the bonuses are adding up. With each month, a business can record the performance bonuses as a liability on their balance sheet to accurately record what they’ll need to pay out at the end of the period.

You shouldn’t spend it the same way you spend regular cash

Deferred revenue is common among software and insurance providers, who require up-front payments in exchange for service periods that may last for many months. As a replacement, we will record them on balance sheet accounts as liabilities until we earn or use them. We will move them in portions from our balance sheet accounts to revenues (or expenses) on our income statement. The debit impact of this transaction is a decrease in the liability as the supplier has performed the services and earned revenue.

However, the IRS requires the use of a depreciation method that is different from all available GAAP methods. With respect to the timing of the reversal of a deferred tax liability, it is important to note that factors may be present which could result in a delay in the event(s) that give rise to the reversal. This may include, for example, a delay in the recovery of a related asset or the settlement https://accounting-services.net/ of a related liability. However, the inherent assumption within US GAAP is that the reported amounts of assets and liabilities will be recovered and settled, respectively. Thus, the only question is when, not whether, the deferred tax liability will reverse. While cash from deferred revenues might sit in your bank account just like cash from earned revenues, the two are not the same.

Instead, companies will typically group non-current liabilities into the major line items and an all-encompassing “other noncurrent liabilities” line item. Non-current liabilities refer to obligations due more than one year from the accounting date. Deferred Revenue is created when a customer prepays for a future good or service. Because we only record Revenue when its earned and substantially complete, we initially record Deferred Revenue as a Liability (reflecting the value of the good or service to be delivered). When the business delivers the good or service to the Customer, we eliminate the original Liability and record Revenue.

Overview – why are deferred income taxes important and what do they represent?

Deferred taxes are items on the balance sheet that arise from an overpayment or advance payment of taxes, resulting in a refund later. Given transaction reflects that deferred revenue is like receipt of the income. In other words, deferred revenue is a reimbursement from a customer for future goods or services. Only the timing of when you can record revenue on your books is changing, which could mean that a small amount of your profits or losses shift from one year to another. This could potentially result in a slight tax difference, but other than that, this is primarily a technical change in accounting rules.

Why Is Deferred Revenue Classified As a Liability?

Ariel Courage is an experienced editor, researcher, and former fact-checker. She has performed editing and fact-checking work for several leading finance publications, including The Motley Fool and Passport to Wall Street. Upgrading to a paid membership gives you access to our extensive collection of plug-and-play Templates designed to power your performance—as well as CFI’s full course catalog and accredited Certification Programs.

Current Assets vs. Noncurrent Assets Example

In contrast, tax regimes are generally not similarly focused and often include aspects of tax policy that seek to incentivize certain behaviors. For example, accelerated cost recovery measures promote investment in a specific area or asset class. Even if you don’t have any deferred revenue on your books, consider whether any of the income your business is earning now is paying for something you owe customers in the future. Knowing when to recognize revenue is one reason why we have Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which include detailed rules around revenue recognition that are tailored to each business type and industry.

The deferred tax liability increases a company’s total liabilities, thereby reducing its equity, and thus has implications for a company’s balance sheet and overall financial position. It also affects a company’s income statement by increasing the amount of taxes payable and decreasing the amount of net income that is reported. Regulatory and legislative developments in the United States and abroad have generated continued interest in the financial accounting and reporting framework, including accounting for income taxes. Fundamental to the income tax accounting framework is an understanding of deferred tax accounting. In this publication we provide a refresher of the deferred tax accounting model and why deferred taxes are an important measure within the financial statements.

How Deferred Revenue Works

And for the private US companies out there, don’t forget that ASC 606 must be adopted in 2019. As you’ll see, though, the formulas become quite complex to handle the different date logic. I spent about five hours creating a free, SaaS revenue recognition and deferred revenue template in Excel below. If you currently handle https://online-accounting.net/ deferred revenue and SaaS revenue recognition on spreadsheets or need to kick off the process, please try this Excel template and let me know how it works for you. Notice that this entry is a general ledger transaction on your balance sheet only. SaaS revenue recognition is an ongoing priority for SaaS accounting teams.

With Deferred Revenue, the Company receives a benefit (i.e. Cash) now from the Customer prepayment. As a result, we defer recognition of the Sale and move the Revenue to the Company’s Balance Sheet as a Liability account until the Company ‘earns’ the underlying Revenue. Charlene Rhinehart is a CPA , CFE, chair of an Illinois CPA Society committee, and has a degree in accounting and finance from DePaul University. Kent holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting from Binghamton University. The combined total assets are located at the very bottom and for fiscal-year end 2021 were $338.9 billion. Of the $1,000 sale price, we’ll assume $850 of the sale is allocated to the laptop sale, while the remaining $50 is attributable to the customer’s contractual right to future software upgrades.